

Some of the images on the “Via Matildica del Volto Santo” website have been included thanks to the fact that they were released online under Creative Commons licences or with the explicit consent of the authors.

In particular, we would like to highlight and thank the following users for their images:

  • the cover photo of the first leg, depicting the profile of the city of Mantua, was taken by Olga and released under the Creative Commons licence.
  • the cover photo of the second leg, depicting the course of the River Po, was taken by Giorgio Galeottti and released under the Creative Commons licence.
  • the cover photo of the third leg, which depicts Piazza Prampolini in Reggio Emilia, was taken by Giorgio Galeottti and released under the Creative Commons licence.
  • the cover photo of the fifth leg, depicting the area of the Castello di Carpineti, was taken by Giorgio Galeottti and released under the Creative Commons licence.
  • the cover photo of the ninth leg, which depicts Castiglione di Garfagnana, was taken by user LigaDue and released under the Creative Commons licence.